Mai's journey to Pole in Style

Photograph: Maciej Ciara
How did your journey to pole dance start?
My journey started back in 2011 when my friend insisted that I should try pole dancing. I went to a taster class in England and to be honest, it wasn’t love at the first spin. I finished the class with bruises on my arms and legs, and felt sore through my whole body. When I moved to Norway in 2012, I decided to give pole another try. I told myself before I made up my mind whether I liked it or not, I should at least make an effort. And I have been stuck with pole since then and enjoy every moment of it.
How has pole dance changed you as a person?
When I started pole dancing, like many other beginners, I wasn’t confident about my body and felt rather intimidated to have to go to class in shorts and tank tops, eventually sports bra in order to do more advanced moves. As I progressed, I began to feel more comfortable in sports bra and hot pants.
Pole dancing has taught me to be confident about myself, love my own body and do things that seem impossible. Before I started pole dance, I thought acrobatic flips, split, all those body-twisted moves were for those who had been training at a young age. As an adult, you would never be able to do those moves. However, pole dance has shown me that age has no limits. Nothing is impossible as long as you work hard and believe in yourself.
What did people around you say when you told them you were doing pole dance?
It was mixed: some thought it was cool while others were more on the negative side. Some people were obviously sceptical. Certainly they would not say it directly to you, but you can tell by their reactions when you told them you were doing pole dance. But I’m glad that my boyfriend (now my husband) has been very supportive. He has been trying to master the Iron-X by the way.
There will always be people who think negatively of pole dancing. One time one girl asked me ’So how’s it going with your stripping thing?’ I think it is fine they think of it that way. You are wasting your energy trying to defend your fitness style but some people will never change their minds. So I’m only focusing on doing what I love and share it with those who have similar passion as mine.
What made you started Pole in Style?
It started with the hassle of finding a suitable pole wear. There are many beautiful pole wear brands out there, but to have something to fit a petite person like me isn’t so easy (I’m only 150 cm). Many pole wear brands have their clothes limited to size S and M only.
Also, when I trained intensively to prepare for a competition, I ended up getting injured quite often. Therefore I want to build Pole in Style not only as a pole wear brand but also a space for pole dancers to share their training tips. I hope this will be an inspiration for those who have already been doing pole and to those who are thinking of trying it.
What is your proudest pole achievement?
When I won the Norwegian Pole Sport Championship – Amateur category in 2014.
Also starting Pole in Style is something I am really proud of.