Website closed for maintenance 21st-27th January
Our website will be closed from 21st to 27th January for maintenance as we are moving to a newer and better platform. Until then, enjoy...
Pole in Style of the month: Meet Alice from Wonderland
This month pole dancer Alice shares with Pole in Style her story. 1. Tell us about yourself My name is Alice. I was born in Wonderland...
Pole in Style of the month: Meet Line from Denmark
Meet pole dancer Line from Denmark who shares with Pole in Style her pole story. 1. Tell us about yourself. I am a therapist, yoga...
Free sources for handstand training
Free tips and resources for handstand practice. Useful for gymnastics and pole dance training.
Order 50 USD or more and get free pole wear
Order 50 USD or more and get free pole wear
How make the most out of a pole dance workshop
In this Pole in Style blog we share with you tips to make the most out of your pole dance workshop with your favorite pole dance instructor.
Backbend Prep Challenge
Are you working on backbending? Do you want to find ways to improve your backbend? The term "backbend" could be misleading since many...
Checklist for pole dance competition
A checklist for you who is competing in a pole dance competition:
Stall Bars - Your great pole fitness training companion!
In this blog, Mel Nutter shares with Pole in Style her tips for exercising with stall bars. Stall bars, Swedish bars, fuse bars, what...
The dark side of pole dance competition
Behind the magnificent stage, spectacular lighting, breathtaking performance and beautiful costume, there is a dark side of any pole...