Active April 2016 Pole Challenge
Join our pole challenge between 1st and 30th April 2016 to win a Red Spring Floral set, Pole Poised grip and bath products and a makeup bag to store these products.
How the challenge works:
3. Submit your video entries through Instagram, Facebook or Youtube
You need to submit videos for all the five tricks by 30th April 2016. Photo entries will not be considered.
Here are videos and blogs of the tricks:
1. Elbow killer grip by Yvonne: Link
2. Jade by Quan: Link
3. Scorpio variation by Ine: Link
4. Hip hold plank by Yvonne: Link
5. No name yet for this trick? Can you help us give it a name? Link
Submit through Instagram:
1. Follow @poleinstyle and @polepoised
2. Tag your videos with #activeapril16, and mention sponsors: @poleinstyle, @polepoised in your posts
3. Your account needs to be public so we can see your amazing posts
Submit through Facebook:
1. Like Pole in Style and Pole Poised on Facebook
2. Tag us in your videos
3. Your videos need to be public so we can see and share them
Submit through Youtube:
1. Send a link of your Youtube video to
2. Your videos need to be public or unlisted, not private!
3. By sending us your Youtube link, you agree that we will share it on our Facebook page
One winner will be announced after 30rd April 2016.
Why do we not have daily trick like many other pole challenges? Because we understand that not many of us have time to train everyday. Sometimes we jump into the trick and spend 10-15 minutes on it just for the sake of having a picture or video in order to catch up with these daily challenges. We do not want that. We want you to spend proper time to warm up for these tricks and work on your technique. So practice as many times as you'd like and send us your best videos.
About our sponsors:
Pole Poised: Pole Poised was founded by Mica Saunders, a chemist who has a passion for pole dancing. Pole Poised makes all natural body products for pole dancers, from pole grip to bath tea. Visit their website
Pole in Style: Pole in Style provides you with soft and durable pole wears that are perfect for your training. Our clothing collection is inspired by everything we see around us and fills with vibrant colors that make you shine.