Checklist for pole dance competition
A checklist for you who is competing in a pole dance competition:
The dark side of pole dance competition
Behind the magnificent stage, spectacular lighting, breathtaking performance and beautiful costume, there is a dark side of any pole...
Finding music and inspiration for your pole dance performance
Are you struggling with choosing music for your next pole dance performance? Here are some tips that will make your music searching process
Getting out of your pole rut
When you find yourself in a pole rut, what should you do? There comes a time in everyone's dance journey, where they find themselves not...
Choosing the right music for your pole dance routine
If you have taken the plunge and entered a pole dance or pole fitness competition or showcase, you are now faced with daunting task of...
Meet IPAAT 2016's winners Laura and Karen
Laura and Karen, winners of IPAAT 2016 Double Category share with Pole in Style their pole dance story. 1.Tell us about yourselves. How...
The Devil in the Details
If your transitions are polished, your gestures full of intention, and you engage the audience throughout your entire performance, you will
Pole in Style is proud to sponsor Capital of Texas Aerial Championships
Pole in Style is proud to sponsor Capital of Texas Aerial Championships this year. The competition will take place in Austin, Texas on...
The road towards pole sports championship
Elise Dahl-Hansen is the 2016 Norwegian Pole Sports Elite champion. In this blog she shares with Pole in Style her pole fitness journey....
How Louise Wawrzynska prepares for pole dance competition
In this blog, Louise Wawrzynska shares with us her tips for pole dance competition preparation. We first knew Louise from Copenhagen Pole...