Meet Helene who found her exercise motivation through pole dance
This week, we celebrate our Pole in Style's member Helene. Here is her journey to pole dancing: 1. How did you start pole dancing? It was...
Learn this pole trick with Yvonne
This is the first trick of our pole challenge. Join our challenge to win amazing gifts from Pole in Style and Pole Poised. Read our rules...
How Louise Wawrzynska prepares for pole dance competition
In this blog, Louise Wawrzynska shares with us her tips for pole dance competition preparation. We first knew Louise from Copenhagen Pole...
Active April 2016 Pole Challenge
Join our pole challenge between 1st and 30th April 2016 to win a Red Spring Floral set, Pole Poised grip and bath products and a makeup...
Meet Samantha, who found self-confidence through pole dancing
We all have our own stories of how we came across pole dancing and how our journey has been so far. This week, Samantha, a self-taught...
Don't skip rest day! Here's why.
You may be overexcited to nail that new pole trick or a new combo. You practice days and nights to get it. However, it is important to...
We are proud to sponsor IPAAT 2016
We are proud to sponsor IPAAT International Pole and Aerial Tournament this year. The grand finals will take place on 18th and 19th June...
Meet Victoria, whose favorite pole trick is handspring
Meet our Pole in Style's member Victoria and hear her story. She is entering her first competition, the Norwegian Pole Sport Championship...
Meet Yan, a pole enthusiast who enters her first competition this year
Meet Pole in Style's customer and pole friend, Yan, who is competing in the Norwegian Pole Sport Championship for the first time this...
A pole dance competition training plan for non-professional athletes
You have decided to participate in a pole dance competition and submitted your application. Congratulations! Now it’s time to put in your...